Monday, December 28, 2015

And A Happy New Year December 28, 2015 Saltillo, Coahuila, México

So I talked to my family for the last time and it was weird. I talked to them in Spanish and they didn't understand. I ate a bunch of food and I nearly threw up. And that's the spirit of Christmas!

Christmas Eve Hermana Mis talked to her family and then we went and ate with some members. We could be with the members until 10:30 but we were so tired that we called it a night at 9 like usual. Christmas morning we woke up and studied like usual and then we bundled up and opened Christmas presents under the tiny Christmas tree I had made a couple days before. I got my companions socks. 

All in all, it was a pretty quiet Christmas. It's just weird to think that next Christmas I will be at home. Yeeaaahhhh, let's not think about that. 

I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas! It was hot on Christmas day and yesterday it was FREEZING. I <3 Saltillo.

I have a funny story to tell. So a couple weeks ago we left our house to go work. It was a great day, the sun was shining, we were finding awesome people in the streets, and I was ready to teach the world. We went to go find a person that we had contacted a couple days earlier. She came out of her house and didn't look too excited to see us (that's normal). She told us that she didn't have anywhere to sit in her house (the usual excuse that they give us) and us being good missionaries said "That's okay! We can teach standing up!" So we started to teach her outside her house. 

Hermana Mis was in the process of inviting her to be baptized, when all of the sudden I felt really woozy. My vision started going and in my mind I thought "I should probably tell my companions that I don't feel well. No, that would be rude. I'll just wait." 
Then BOOM. I fainted. 

Hermana Mis thought that I had knelt down to pray (I fell in a kneeling position) and Hermana Aragon just stared at me until it registered that I was unconcious. Haha Hermana Mis whipped out her hand sanitzer to wave it under my nose, and in the process accidentally squirted some in her own nose, and Hermana Aragon started waving me with one of our pamphlets. I eventually came to and they sat me in a chair and gave me some Coca Cola to raise my blood pressure. I still wasn't really quite there until I heard someone ask "Is she pregnant?" I woke up pretty quickly and set them straight. 

Anyway, long story short we went to the hospital and did a whole bunch of tests and turns out that I have another type of tachycardia (a heart condition) and now I'm taking medication for it. 

BUT I'M ALRIGHT. Don't worry. Just workin' like normal. 

Anyway, just thought I'd give you that update. 

I love you all and I hope you have a vverrrryyyy happy new year!

I really am fine. 

🐉🌵😁Hermana Murset


1. Christmas morning! I'll admit, the tree I made was pretty pathetic. But the socks I gave them were FANTASTIC.

2. We went caroling as a zone and we stopped to take a selfie as we were crossing a precarious bridge.

!Feliz Navidad! (December 21, 2015) Saltillo, Coahuila, México

Dear Family and Friends,

I hope you enjoyed our bearded faces. We were smiling underneath the beards, I don't know if you noticed. We had a long discussion; "Do we smile? They won't see it.... Well, might as well, it's tradition." 

Um... I don't really know what to say besides that. 

This year has FLOWN by. I remember thinking when I was in the MTC, "I'm going to be in Mexico for all of 2015.... How am I going to do it?!" And now it's almost 2016. I've learned a lot in this year. For example: SPANISH. I've also learned how to be a better leader (I've still got a lloonggg way to go). I still haven't learned how to make Mexican food. I did learn how to be straightforward (sometimes you just gotta tell the sisters what's up). I learned more spiritual stuff. I learned how to work hard. I learned that faith really is power. 

I learned a lot.

I don't know what I'll be like when I get home; probably the same old awkward Megan but with greater spiritual knowledge. But I know that I have a better perspective on life. What a cliche missionary thing to say. I just hope that I have changed enough to be able to really help people out. Help them rise higher than they are. You know, be inspirational. 

I'm thankful for my family and friends. I'm thankful for the people that have had an influence in my life. I'm thankful for the companions that I have. I'm thankful for Christ. His birth, His ministry, His Atonement. I'm thankful that I came on this mission. I can't even begin to think where I would be if I hadn't come. 

Remember Christ.

I hope you all have an absolutely wonderful Christmas! I'm thankful for each and every one of you. Even if you don't think that I remember you, I do and I'm thankful for you. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

🌲 Hermana Megan Murset

Monday, December 14, 2015

We Went to Walmart (Saltillo, Coahuila, México)

We went to Walmart today, totally ready to be Americanized. Turns out they sell the exact same stuff that they do in all the stores here. We were quite disappointed. We did find Kraft Mac and Cheese, so the trip wasn't totally wasted.

This week was pretty normal, adjusting to being in a trio again, realizing that I speak Spanglish now. Remember when I was really good at English? Not anymore. 

This week we were walking around, looking for referrals that we had gotten. We weren't finding anybody and we were in a part of our area that doesn't really have work. So like the good senior companion that I am, I said "Let's go wander around and see what we find!" So that's what we did. 

I saw a man outside of his house repairing a door. We mosied (moseyed...) over and started to talk to him. We ended up teaching him and afterwards made another appointment to return. But the day that we had the appointment someone got sick and we couldn't go. But we ran over to his house and left him a note, inviting him to the ward Christmas party that we were going to have. 

We spent the day in the hospital with the sick hermana and were pretty bummed because we didn't get to work. We went to the Christmas party and who do we find? The man! His name is Thomas. And believe me, to find someone who will go to things like that of his own free will... IT'S HARD. So we all nearly leapt with joy and got to work introducing him to the members. He fit in pretty well and within no time he was dressed up as a wise man! It was great. Afterwards he told us that he is planning on buying dress clothes so that he can go to church on Sunday. 
Sometimes wandering around has it's benefits.

I'm doing well, living everyday like I'll never see a gordita again.

4 more months and I will set my feet on the red sand of Utah. But for now I'll be walking along the Mexican earth.

I love you all!

Hermana Murset


Hermana Mis, Thomas, Hermano Sergio (he took the whole wear a costume thing seriously), Hermano Mora, me.

Monday, December 7, 2015

S.O.S Save Our Sisters (Saltillo, Coahuila, Mexico)

So one of the sisters here in the mission has chicken pox. She has to stay in her house for 15 days. Hermana Mis, being the mission nurse, and me, having had chicken pox in days gone by, went to go take care of her and her companion. Today we're going to do the same. Weeeee!
ALSO. It's a new transfer! The President told me that I was going to train, but then he asked me to stay as sister training leader. So here I am, about to complete 6 months in Zarco! We're also going to be in a trio again with a sister named Hermana Aragon. She's from Utah. We'll see how it goes!

This week we had our mission Christmas party. It's pretty much the only day of the year when all of us missionaries try to look really nice. We had a talent show and each of the zones got to present two talents. The other two zones did stuff like play the piano, play the guitar, sing. What did we do? The Haka and a skit called "Dear John." The elders wrapped towels and blankets around their waists and a Hawian elder lead them in the Haka; which involved screaming and scary faces. We won that round. Then we did the musical of "Dear John" in which I was the girlfriend who was going to faithfully wait, but then married the best friend. You can find the video on the mission's facebook page, I'm pretty sure. We won that round as well. 
Then we ate, exchanged presents, and went out to carol and contact people. It was quite festive and I had a ton of fun. 

Cesar got baptized!!! Something always has to go wrong the day of a baptism and Thursday wasn't an exception. The font wasn't filled up all the way, so the elders had to fill it with buckets. Cesar told me that if the water wasn't warm, that he was going to throw me in the font. He was pretty serious so I breathed a sigh of relief when the water was warm. Afterwards he looked so happy! He told us that he felt like a new person. Then yesterday he was confirmed. Afterwards he came up to us to thank us and was so happy that he got emotional and almost started crying. He was practically bouncing and skipping from happiness. It was probably one of the best experiences of my mission, seeing him being made a member of the church. I love him and his family a lot. 

I have two transfers left, so I gotta make them count, huh?

I love you all a lot and I hope that you have an absoutely fantastic week. 

Hermana Murset

The day Cesar got confirmed. His big happy smile and his sweatshirt. Gotta love it. 

Hermana Roberts and I at the Christmas thingy. We sure are some happy Americans.