Thursday, November 5, 2015

A Mass Email to my Family, after Learning my Grandma Passed Away (September 28, 2015) Saltillo, Coahuila, Mexico

I figured I would just send a mass email instead of responding to everyone at one time.

Good thing I have a cold because the people here in the cyber don't think it's weird that I'm sniffing up a storm. I'm glad that she passed away peacefully and without pain.

I'm glad she got to see me serve my mission. I'm glad that she was so generous as to pay for my mission. I'm glad that she was such a grateful person. I'm glad that she got to enjoy a good hotdog. (For her birthday celebration with my dad, Uncle Bill and Aunt Nanette.)

Don't worry about me, I'll be fine as long as I'm working :) I know that she's up there looking out for me and looking out for everybody else. I think being on the mission gives me a greater perspective on things and knowing about the Plan of Salvation really helps.

You have no idea how many people are out there that think that the knowledge that we're going to be with our family for forever is just a dream.

I love you tons and I hope you are all well :)
I hope somebody knows how to make grandma eggs...

Hermana Murset

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